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Writing an Effective Booking Confirmation Email + FREE Templates

March 11, 2024 5min read
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Whether you’re an escape room owner or another type of tour and experience operator, you likely know that taking online reservations is essential to getting a steady stream of customers through your doors. But do you know what’s even more important? Ensuring your customers actually show up—and are prepared for their activity—after they book.

This is where an expertly written booking confirmation email comes into play. These emails remind customers of the reservation and provide them with everything they need to know about their booking.

In this guide, we’ll delve deeper into the importance of booking confirmation emails, explain how to make them both cordial and professional and share key tips on when and how to use them. We’ll also provide some effective templates that you can use for your business.

Understanding the Purpose of a Booking Confirmation Email

A booking confirmation email is exactly as it sounds: an email sent to customers that reaffirms their booking details. Confirmation emails have various uses on top of experiential businesses, including verifying purchase orders and hotel stays. This is likely why 64% of consumers consider them the most important messages in their inbox, and their click-through rates (CTR) are four times higher than standard emails.

Generally speaking, your booking confirmation email should accomplish three goals:

  • Confirmation – First and foremost, the email should verify the actions your customer has just taken on your site, app or booking platform. A successfully sent confirmation email signals your systems are running and in sync—meaning the reservation should already be posted to your internal calendar.
  • Reassurance – Booking confirmation emails not only reassure you that your systems are functional and up-to-date—they also ensure your customer knows their reservation is noted. Without verifiable confirmation, your customer may worry about whether or not you actually received their booking.
  • Providing important details – Finally, your booking confirmation email should provide customers with all the necessary information they need to enjoy their experience fully. To that end, list the who, what, where and when of their reservation so they can reference it and prepare before being locked in.

How to Write an Effective Booking Confirmation Email

Every escape room is different. While you’ll definitely want to add your personal touch to your emails, several key elements must be included to ensure they are as effective as possible.

Essential Elements

These are the non-negotiables you should include in every booking confirmation email:

  • Booking Details – Include the date, time and location of your customer’s booking, as well as a link to Google Maps to help them find you. Other key information—such as the number of players or name of the room—will vary from experience to experience, but should also be tacked on for your and your customer’s convenience.
  • Contact Information – Despite carefully laying out all the necessary information for your customers, they may still have follow-up questions regarding their booking. Include your email address, phone number and links to your social media so they can reach you with any queries before their experience.
  • Cancellation or Change Policy – Explain how your customers may modify or cancel their booking if needed.
  • Payment Information – Include the total cost of their booking, how much (if any) they put down for a deposit and the remainder that’s due when they come in on game day.
  • Personalized Greetings – Personalization is key when capturing your clientele’s attention and eliciting interaction. In fact, 72% of consumers say they won’t even bother engaging with a message unless it’s specifically personalized for them. A simple “Hello (name),” can go a long way to distinguish your messages from spam.
  • Branding – Confirmation emails are also your chance to remind consumers of your business and its unique flair. Include your logo or use design elements that match your brand and image. If you have a trademark slogan or saying, tack it on before signing off to give your customers a memorable goodbye.

Crafting the Content

To ensure as many customers as possible read the entirety of your confirmation email (and take it seriously), carefully curate your:

  • Tone and Language – Your wording should be straightforward and professional, but also personable and charming. Don’t be afraid to throw in a joke or escape room reference or two—just don’t let the key information get lost in the process.
  • Clarity and Brevity – Emails should be clear, concise and to the point, free from any unnecessary narratives and complex wording.
  • Personalization – As mentioned, personalization makes your customers feel special, so you should strive to customize every email to a specific person. Include their name and specifics about their booking—such as group size—to remind customers they’re unique and have your utmost attention.
  • Call to Action (CTA) – Every savvy business email (even a confirmation email) includes a request to browse further services or make another purchase. So, you might entice your customers to check out your other rooms and even make a future reservation by including a discount code.

Enhancing the Email Experience

Beyond engaging writing and useful information, other elements can functionally and aesthetically enhance your messages. To optimize your booking confirmation emails, be sure to include:

  • A Responsive Design – More people currently access messages on their smartphones than computers. Similarly, over one-fifth of email users routinely use tablets to check their inboxes. Your email should be functional and glitch-free across all mediums. Ensure it responsively renders across a variety of devices before sending it out.
  • Visuals – Photos of your rooms (no spoilers!), maps of your area and graphically designed icons can enhance your emails’ visual appeal, making them more engaging and less likely to be glossed over or ignored in an inbox.
  • Attachments – While attachments aren’t strictly necessary, they can be useful if there’s extra information or forms you want to include without cluttering your main email. If your clients need to print and sign a waiver before their visit, for instance, it would be better to include it as an attachment, rather than pasting it into the body of the message.

Automation and Integration

Thanks to automation software, modern business owners like you don’t have to spend hours typing out confirmation emails. Instead, you can use an automated system that integrates into your booking platform and provides a seamless reservation experience.

An integrated booking and email automation platform such as Resova provides a ton of benefits over painstakingly writing every email confirmation. First of all, automated bookings and emails are instant, so your customers will never have to sit idly by wondering if their reservation went through or not.

Secondly, automated messages save you time that can be better used for devising new puzzles, attracting more guests or enhancing your marketing campaigns. Finally, there’s no human error with automated systems—so, if there’s an issue with your customer’s booking or information, it’s likely how they made the reservation, rather than your or your system’s error.

If you’re not convinced, try Resova out for yourself and see the difference well-written, personalized automatic emails can make. Monitor your CTR and reservation rates both before and after implementing our automated confirmations and, with the right messages and a decent customer base, you’ll be able to see the boost in popularity.

5 Customizable Booking Confirmation Email Templates

Below are five professional templates you can use as confirmation emails for your escape room. Remember: it’s important to personalize them with the name of your business and add your own personal touches to make them unique to your brand.

Template 1: Initial Booking Confirmation for Escape Rooms

This is a generic template that can be sent to a customer after they make their first escape room booking. It contains all the essential information they need and is laid out in the most accessible and readable format possible.

Subject Line: Booking Confirmed for [Customer Name]

Email Body:
Hello [Customer Name],
Your booking has been confirmed!

We are thrilled to welcome you to [Escape Room Name]! Here are the details for your upcoming experience:

  • Booking Date and Time: [Date and Time]
  • Room Theme: [Room Theme/Name]
  • Participants: [Number of Participants]
  • Location: [Escape Room Address]
  • Duration: Approximately 60 minutes

An unforgettable adventure awaits! 

Template 2: Individual Booking Confirmation for Tour/Activity

This template can be customized to fit an escape room or related activity in which one individual has made a reservation. Whether it’s their first or fiftieth booking, they can easily access all necessary information in this message and be ready once it’s time to be locked in.

Subject Line: Your [Tour/Activity Name] Booking Confirmation

Email Body:
Dear [Customer Name],

We are thrilled to confirm your booking for the [Activity Name]. Here are the details of your reservation:

  • Booking Reference Number: [Reference Number]
  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Meeting Point: [Location]
  • Number of Guests: [Number]
  • Special Instructions: [Any Additional Information]

If you have any questions or need to change your reservation, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [Contact Information]. We look forward to providing you with an unforgettable experience.

Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]!

Template 3: Group Booking Confirmation for Tour/Activity

This template can be customized to suit a group booking. You may want to implore customers to share it with their other group members ahead of their booking—especially if they’ll all need to sign waivers prior to the experience.

Subject Line: Your Group Booking for [Tour/Activity Name]

Email Body:

Dear [Customer Name],
We are delighted to confirm your group booking with us for the [Tour/Activity Name]. Here are the details of your reservation:

  • Booking Reference Number: [Reference Number]
  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Meeting Point: [Location]
  • Number of Guests: [Number of Guests]
  • Group Leader: [Group Leader’s Name]
  • Special Instructions: [Any Additional Information]

If you have any questions or need to change your reservation, please don’t
hesitate to contact us at [Contact Information]. We look forward to providing your group with an exceptional experience.

Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]!

Template 4: Reminder Email (A Few Days Before the Event)

This message can be sent in the days leading up to your customer’s experience—72 hours prior is best as it gives clients enough time to remind their group members and mentally prepare for the escape.

Subject Line: 🕒 Your Escape Room Challenge is Getting Closer! [Booking Date]

Email Body:
Hello [Customer Name],

Your epic adventure at [Escape Room Name] is just around the corner! We’re looking forward to testing your puzzle-solving prowess. Here’s a quick reminder of your booking details:

  • Date and Time: [Date and Time]
  • Room: [Room Theme/Name]

Last-minute Tips:

  • Double-check the meeting spot: [Escape Room Address].
  • Ensure your team is ready for the challenge.
  • Sleep well the night before – you’ll need all your wits about you!

Got questions or need assistance? Our team is here to help! Contact us at [Contact Information].

See you soon, and let the countdown begin!

Warmest regards,
[Your Name]

Template 5: Post-Experience Thank You and Feedback Request

This email can be sent in the days following your escapees’ experience. It reminds them to rate and share their adventure online and can even entice them to sign up for another escape by offering a small discount on future bookings.

Subject Line: 🌟 Thank You for Choosing [Escape Room Name]! How Was Your Escape?

Email Body:
Dear [Customer Name],

We hope you enjoyed your escape room experience as much as we enjoyed hosting you! Your participation at [Escape Room Name] on [Date] was a highlight for us, and we hope it was an exhilarating adventure for you and your team.

We’d Love to Hear from You!
Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve. Could you take a moment to share your thoughts? It would mean the world to us.

Thinking about your next challenge? Visit us again with a 10% discount for your next booking. Use the code: ESCAPENOW10

Thank you once again for your support. Until next time, keep solving those mysteries!

Best regards,
[Your Name and Contact Information]

Automate Your Booking Experience and Confirmation Emails With Resova

Simplify your booking process and automate confirmation emails with the #1 escape room booking software in the game: Resova. With Resova, customers can effortlessly book a room on your app, custom website or anywhere else via seamless embedded integration.

Never worry about sending an email confirmation or text message again. Resova automates customer and employee communications and instantly generates professional, concise confirmations for each specific booking.

Escape the hassle of handcrafting email confirmations and fiddling around with inferior booking platforms. Partner with Resova today.



GoDaddy. How to get the most from shipping confirmation emails. https://www.godaddy.com/resources/skills/shipping-confirmation-emails.

Forbes. 50 Stats Showing The Power Of Personalization. https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2020/02/18/50-stats-showing-the-power-of-personalization/?sh=232564342a94.

Statista. U.S. workers e-mail access devices 2018. https://www.statista.com/statistics/911702/devices-used-workers-regularly-check-emails/.

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